Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Daily 'To Do' List to Make Money Online

I began in December 2010 to make a career out of making money online.  I made all the newbie mistakes of course, by spending too much time here and there trying to promote, or writing for the wrong sites. In March of 2011 I did a full case study on it all, tracking my earnings from all the places I had been writing for, and cutting out some worthless social sites.  I believe I now have this down to a science, in order to maximize earning, which I would like to share with you.

I began in December 2010 to make a career out of making money online. I made all the newbie mistakes of course, by spending too much time here and there trying to promote, or writing for the wrong sites. In March of 2011 I did a full case study on it all, tracking my earnings from all the places I had been writing for, and cutting out some worthless social sites. I believe I now have this down to a science, in order to maximize earning, which I would like to share with you. http://bit.ly/fIFRG9

Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Make Your Own Fabric Freshener- DIY

There is a very popular product on the market these days which freshens up fabrics of all kinds. You can use it on your furniture, your clothes, or anything else that is covered with fabric. The product, however, has one flaw; it is VERY expensive.
http://www.diylife.com/2011/03/30/get-bad-smell-out-of-clothes/ http://bit.ly/fjYnIM

My Unemployed Life as a Baby Boomer

I found myself, at age 56 at the time, facing an unemployed life as a baby boomer.  I had become a statistic. READ MORE

Capital City Celebrates Easter

Easter is a lovely and adventurous time in our nation’s capital every year.  There is much activity, plenty of photo opportunities for spring flowers, and several special Easter brunch menus to enjoy.  The capital city celebrates Easter like no other town. READ MORE

How to Choose a Dachshund

When shopping for a new dachshund, you will not have to choose. He will choose you. You will know he is yours when your eyes connect with his deep rich brown ones in a silent understanding. If he snuggles into your arms, he knows he is home. READ MORE


How My Garden Helped Me Survive the Death of a Grandchild

A grandmother's story of the death of three grandchildren and how she learned to heal. READ MORE

My Funniest Garden Experience

 What happens when a city boy comes face to face with a country bull?  It ain't Pretty, but it sure is FUNNY!

My Granny's Garden

When I was a child, my Granny’s house was a place of love and comfort.  Being raised in a house with nine children did not allow for much individual attention, but at Granny’s house, each of us were made to feel special.  However, it always seemed to me that her vegetable garden was the sweetest place on earth. READ MORE

I Am in Love With Dr. House

I admit it.  I harbor a secret love affair with Dr. Gregory House of Fox’s hit TV show “House.”  I am not referring to the actor, Hugh Laurie, who plays Dr. House on the show, although he is extremely talented.  READ MORE

How to Create Extra Storage Space for Emergency Foods

How to Create Extra Storage Space for Emergency Foods

Times are hard.  Applications for emergency food stamps are at an all time high. According to one emergency planning website, "Food Storage is a form of insurance policy protecting your family from the unexpected."   READ MORE

Solar Cooking and Solar Baking

Solar Cooking and Solar Baking

Imagine a disaster that caused the loss of your ability to cook and prepare meals for your family.  For a time, any foods that would not need to be cooked could suffice, but in a long-term situation, sooner or later those foods would be gone. READ MORE

How to Parent Adult Children When Their Spouses Drive You Crazy

How to Parent Adult Children When Their Spouses Drive You Crazy

When your children grow up, many times they marry a person that you just do not like, or with whom you have some problems.  How do you, as a parent, handle that situation?  FIND OUT HOW

Bugleweed Ground Cover

Bugleweed Ground Cover

Bugleweed is not only an excellent ground cover, but is also medicinal. READ MORE

Are There any Foods With Cynergy TK?

Are There any Foods With Cynergy TK?

What is Cynergy TK?  It is the most recent and hottest anti-aging skin product on the market.  It contains an usual form of keratin.  If you take good care of your skin, you most likely have heard of keratin.  READ MORE

Natural Remedies for Frown Lines

Natural Remedies for Frown Lines

Back in Grandma's day, there were no expensive skin creams or costly moisturizers, such as the popular Cynergy Tk products.  To keep her skin soft and supple, Grandma did what all the grandmas before her had done; she looked to Mother Nature to provide.READ MORE

Major World News Stories of 2010

Major World News Stories of 2010

2010 became a banner year for major world news stories. READ MORE

Natural Remedies for Hiccups

Those annoying hiccups sometimes just refuse to go away. Utilize some natural remedies to get rid of them.

What causes hiccups?  Hiccups are caused by an irritation in the muscle that controls the body’s diaphragm.  When your lungs breathe in and out on a normal basis, the diaphragm is the “motor” that controls the flow. READ MORE

Natural Remedies for Dog Fleas

Fleas on your dogs are not simply a nuisance that make them scratch.  They can also be a serious health concern for your dog.  When a flea bites a dog, it causes itchiness which can result in scratching which leads to hair loss and skin infections.  READ MORE

Natural Remedies to Lose Weight

Nature provides many ways to lose weight without harmful chemicals.

Losing weight is a challenge no matter what age, gender or race a person may be.  If you want to lose some weight, working with nature is a better alternative than many of the man-made drugs found in the commercial world. READ MORE

Natural Remedies for Snake Bites

A snake bite can be deadly and is always painful. If you use natural remedies to treat a snake bite, before you get to a hospital, it may save your life, READ MORE

What is so Great About Picasso?


Conceivably, I may be artistically challenged, or perhaps one has to be chemically enhanced to truly understand Pablo Picasso's paintings, but I just do not comprehend them.  His paintings hang in museums all over the world.