Monday, January 17, 2011

The Fourth of July Holiday Travel Experience From Hell

I have vivid memories of a certain vacation from years ago, when my children were young teenagers, and my ex-husband and I were very, very poor.  Yet we still loved to travel, and to take vacations.  Finding creative ways to do this was a challenge, but I always managed to devise a plan that we could afford.

One year, the travel destination was to be Panama City, FLA.  We lived, at the time, about 10 hours away, so the gas cost alone was hard for us.  I came up with what I thought to be a clever plan.  We would camp out instead of renting a motel room for the week’s stay at the beach. Now, tell me, who stays in a hot tent on a Florida beach in the middle of July?  We did, but that was just the start of our woes.  Read More

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